2014 Fall Regatta – The Winners Are…

PHRF Low 1 - Marshall Williamson

The 2014 Fall Regatta featured a day of light air, followed by a day with more of a breeze. There were 4 fleets that competed. Commodore Lisa Rundle Sellyei congratulated the winners, and presented the trophies along with Race Chairman Marshall Williamson. And the winners are…

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2014 Fall Regatta – The Racing

The Tucson Sailing Club’s International Regatta was held October 31 to November 2, 2014, in San Carlos Mexico. This fall regatta featured a good turnout, and a couple of days of racing action. Light winds the first day were challenging, and breezes picked up for the second day. There were four fleets represented…

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2014 Spring Cruise – Photo Gallery

Sailor pointing the way

After our 2014 May regatta in San Carlos, Mexico, some of the club’s sailors took off for a cruise along the coast. Check out these pictures, courtesy of Terri Sebastian. It looks like they had fun, and caught some fish, too! See the pictures…

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2014 Spring Cruise – Reina’s Narrative

Sailing Vessel Half Cat

Reina (the cat) talks about Cruising the Sea of Cortez in the spring of 2014. The trip hits San Carlos, Chencho, Ensenada El Carricito, Bahia Algodones, Bahia San Pedro, and more. The theme song of the trip seems to be “No, Reina, No.”…

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2014 Spring Picnic – Photo Gallery

Watching the sailing preparations from ashore

The club’s 2014 Spring Picnic was held on a beautiful day out at Christopher Columbus Park. Silverbell Lake here is an ideal site for laser racing, as many of our members know. It was a great day, both ashore and on the water! See the pictures…

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2013 Spring Cruise – Photo Gallery

And the winners are...

The cruisers who took off to explore more of Mexico after the 2013 spring regatta had an amazing time. Enjoy these pictures, courtesy of Karin. They may make you want to join the group next time! 🙂 See the pictures…

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Mulege or Bust!

The 2011 Tucson Sailing Club Fall Cruise ended up being a small and intimate affair after several boats bowed out due to mechanical problems or concerns about the weather forecast. Nonetheless, the crews of Half Cat and Caliente headed out Monday afternoon in a brisk breeze. Caliente promptly returned to San Carlos…

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